Thursday, April 9, 2009

from devotions...

"If you only know what He has done for you, you have not a big enough God..."

wow! Has God Done Anything for You?! yes, but He's more than that. I was talking with a friend who lost her job. she was understandably upset. She said she learned that God was big, but that He didn't have to prove it to her. He isn't required to prove himself faithful...even though He is! He is who He is with or without proof or belief in Him.

Are we His children who aren't in need of a "belief permit" from others to accept ourselves as His children? Is our identity solidified? Are we His and is He ours?

shout out to "s"-ter, MBC, CE!

I think i should start doing CD reviews, and song and artists spotlights! I will. Sounds fun!


ceads said...

Wow, yeah.

Sometimes we need to hear, "Has God done anything for you, has He done anything for you, tell me has He done anything for you? You oughta clap your hands, sing hallelujah as loud as you can, shout if you want to, but tell me how can you just sit there if God's done anything for you?"

But sometimes, it's, "For Your grace and Your mercy extends throughout the land, and Your love and Your favor from Your heart and from Your hand. You've revealed so much love I can hardly stand, that's when I find myself falling on the mercy of God."

J Trusty said...

chrisp-p you are the only person who reads these! hahaha! thanks! but you are sooo right!